Organ Music Hall

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny, Avtozavodskyi pr. 11, Organ Music Hall

“It all started with the Rieger-Kloss organ from the Kazan State Conservatory, donated to the city on the initiative of President Mintimer Shaimiev. A building was found that, according to its technical characteristics, was ideally suited for the installation of an organ.

On December 19, 1997, the reconstruction of the Rossiya cinema began. The project, developed by the firm “Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt”, was carried out by the general contractor JSC “Department of Capital Construction”. Funding was provided from the federal and republican budgets. An invaluable contribution to the reconstruction of the hall was made by Professor of the Kazan State Conservatory Rubin Abdullin.

The organ was completely restored and improved by the Czech specialists of the manufacturer’s plant. According to experts, our hall is the best in Russia in terms of acoustic indicators.

The assembly and reconstruction of the organ were carried out by the RIHGER-KLOSS VARHANY company under the direction of Mr Rene Klim”.

Based on the Organ Music Hall site’s information